
Reclaiming the Soul of Science and Medicine


This is what Hearts and Minds is about: restoring the lost place of ourselves in our own understanding of the world.

Two articles, the one on placebos and the one on an alternative model of heart function, appear in modified form as chapters in Hearts and Minds. The third article is a review in Holistic Primary Care (starts on page 14) of a recent book (Anthroposophy and Science) by Peter Heusser, MD. It is a superb book, but rather on the technical side and quite challenging. Reading it, though, gave me confidence that I could offer a book for non-expert but concerned readers showing how these crucial issues are affecting everyone's  lives.

It’s Time to Listen to the Dummy: What It Means When the Modest Placebo Speaks
by Walter Alexander

Branko Furst’s Radical Alternative: Is the Heart Moved by the Blood, Rather Than Vice Versa?
by Walter Alexander

Book Review: Peter Heusser, MD. Anthroposophy and Science (An Introduction), Peter Lang GmbH, 2016 English edition, transl. Lynda Hepburn. Review by Walter Alexander.